happy new year, and all that

this isn't the new year blog post. (i'll get to that, probably very soon). but i wanted to post this one first, and i also need to add the context that christmas 2021 has recently come and gone.

if anyone has been here before, they'd know i went on a rant on social media a bit ago about how i didn't want anything for christmas.

and i'm sad to say that somehow this was apparently a very difficult directive to follow.

i know i'm the most selfish person i've ever met for wanting to deny the sense of generosity other people feel when they give,

but damn.

what i asked for required zero monetary value, zero effort, and only consideration on other people's end.

But i still have a new bag of junk to get rid of

and i mostly felt unconsidered and unheard compiling and accumulating that junk

my request, which i earnestly but incorrectly thought was supposed to easy, went mostly unfulfilled

and so i deactivated my social media. Basically, what's the point of posting there if no one is listening anyway? (the hypocrisy is not lost on me posting here)

the only reason i didn't outright delete it is because its messenger is the only way i can reliably contact two people in my life.

but yeah, i'm pretty done with it now

part one of this | go home
last updated january 2 2022