This is probably gonna sound weird coming from me of all people

but i honestly think people* take the media they consume (and don't consume!) too seriously and i sorta wish it were less so.

i'm not unaware that i made a whole-ass blog mostly devoted to the media i consume, and even then i don't think this is a hypocritical stance for me to take. maybe i should get that out of the way first?

i write this blog because i like doing it. but i try not to get too in my head about if the media i like is authentic or artsy enough. or upholds existing canon. or what even is canon (especially when it comes to video games). and i dunno, maybe people get too in their heads with media because they like getting too in their heads, but i think the difference is i'm trying to enjoy things for their own sake, and these others i'm trying to distinguish myself from are trying to uphold some sort of sense of superiority.

* i admit my perception might also be skewed because i spend way too much time on the internet. and it might be internet-denizen types like myself that are much more predisposed to doing this shit as opposed to.... normal people, i guess.

drafted april 22 2022
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